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Filme Frankenstein (2015)

Filme Frankenstein (2015)
Assistir Frankenstein – Situado na cidade de Los Angeles dos dias atuais, um monstro que recebe o nome de Adam é criado por um casal de cientistas excêntricos. Deixado para morrer pelos seus criadores, Adam é confrontado pelo mundo ao seu redor com nada além do que agressão e violência. Uma criatura imaginada perfeita, mas, desfigurada na realidade. Um ser criado por humanos que precisa enfrentar a natureza terrível da humanidade.
Assistir – Frankenstein (2015) – Grátis
Assistir - Frankenstein (2015) - Dublado ou Legendado Grátis

Synopsis – Movie Frankenstein

Watch Frankenstein – Set in present day Los Angeles and told entirely from the perspective of the Monster. After he is artificially created, then left for dead by a husband-and-wife team of eccentric scientists, Adam is confronted with nothing but aggression and violence from the world around him. This perfect creation-turned disfigured monster must come to grips with the horrific nature of humanity.
Bernard Rose has a knack for bringing the human condition into characters on screen, and from there, transposing it to our minds as audience members when we are experiencing his pictures. ‘Candyman’, ‘Paperhouse’, and ‘Immortal Beloved’ are all zenith examples of mythical “genre films” wherein the real themes presented are the characters themselves, and the iconographies of genre lay by the wayside, standing as mere coincidence, rather than complete audience draw.

Frankenstein (2015)

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