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Filme Assumindo a Direção (2014)

Filme Assumindo a Direção (2014)
Assistir Assumindo a Direção – Inspirado num artigo publicado no The New York Times, no filme seguiremos a história de Darwan, um refugiado politico sikh que ganha a vida como taxista e instrutor de condução, e de Wendy, uma critica literária que é abandonada pelo marido e decide aprender a dirigir.
Assistir – Assumindo a Direção (2014) – Grátis
Assistir - Assumindo a Direção (2014) - Dublado ou Legendado Grátis

Synopsis – Movie Learning to Drive

Watch Learning to Drive – Wendy (Patrician Clarkson), a self-absorbed New York book critic, is shocked to reality by the sudden end of her marriage. Always dependent on her husband for driving, she must now learn to take the wheel on her own. Her instructor Darwan (Ben Kingsley) is a Sikh Indian who watches with alarm as his pupil falls apart at the seams. He himself is contemplating an arranged marriage with a woman he has never met. As these two lives intersect, both will change in unpredictable ways.
Covering various layers of life
I find this movie is surprisingly charming. It’s a story we can relate to. Things happened in our everyday lives which might not be significant enough to draw attentions to. However, they touched a bit of our unintended emotions. It even took on lightly challenging subjects like racism, depression, rages and religions which all transpired smoothly into the storyline with some humors even.
Ver Filme Completo - Assumindo a Direção (2014) - Online
The story of middle aged women divorcing from their long time husbands is not a fresh subject after all. Nevertheless, most people probably could even care less of it. However, the success of this movie is it used this overly done subject and given a new lease of life. In the beginning, I was not too sure to watch it. To my own surprise, I am glad that I gave it a shot when I finished it. Lives can serve you bitter dishes, how to turn them around it’s entirely up to you. The middle aged romance is no longer involving carnal desires and emotional longing. It steers the directions to work out your own issues and hold up your end of responsibilities. … by  cheer88

Filme Assumindo a Direção (2014) – Assistir Online

InformaçõesAssumindo a Direção (2014)
  • Titulo original: Learning to Drive
  • Gênero: Blu-ray 720p, Comédia,Drama, Lançamentos, Legendados,Romance
  • Tempo: 90 min
  • Audio: DDublado / Legendado
  • Lançamento: 2016

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