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Filme Madame Bovary (2014)

Filme Madame Bovary (2014)
No Filme Madame Bovary – Na França do século XIX, Emma Bovary (Mia Wasikowska) é a jovem e bela esposa de um tradicional médico de uma pacata cidade. Ela dá início a uma relação extraconjugal para tentar se promover na sociedade e melhorar seu status social. Porém, suas atitudes levam-na ao oposto deu seus objetivos. Adaptação de obra homônima de Gustave Flaubert.
Assistir Filme Madame Bovary (2014) – Grátis
Assistir Filme Madame Bovary (2014) - Dublado ou Legendado Grátis

Synopsis – Madame Bovary

Film Madame Bovary – The beautiful wife of a small-town doctor engages in extramarital love affairs in an attempt to advance her social status.
Renoir, Chabrol, Oliveira and Minnelli, among a host of others, have all taken a cinematic crack at Flaubert’s realist chef d’oeuvre, but surprisingly, the young French director Sophie Barthes—for whom the book is part of an inherited cultural DNA—is the first woman to adapt the original “modern realist” novel, and not for nothing.
Madame Bovary Barthes exhumes the intrinsically proto-feminist appeal of Emma B’s solutions to the stifling inertia of a sensually enervating marriage (o a reputable doctor who attends to all bodies but hers. As channelled through Mia Wasikowska’s ambiguous embodiment, Barthes’ Emma is both reluctant and unrepentant in her adulterous affairs.
It’s a sympathetic rather than critical treatment, but none the less cautionary for conflating Emma’s self- actualization with her further disillusionment and inevitable entrapment. Such is the lasting value of Flaubert’s precision in describing the eternally imprecise condition of longing.
Ver Filme Completo - Madame Bovary (2014) - OnlineMadame Bovary Barthes’ points of departure condense Emma’s circumscribed habitat, both material and temporal: her exquisite attempts to dress the part effectively colour-code her erotic life (while sinking her into debt with a dandy creditor gamely named L’Heureux), as time bears down crushingly (Emma seizes in vain the metronomic dread of the grandfather clock).
Tonally, the naturalistic look and not too-affected delivery create a bristling modern vibe that’s not willfully anachronistic (no Converse sneakers for Emma). …  by emilkoldara

Filme Madame Bovary (2014) – Assistir Online

InformaçõesMadame Bovary (2014)
  • Titulo original: Madame Bovary
  • Gênero: Blu-ray 720p, Drama,Lançamentos, Legendados
  • Tempo: 118 min
  • Audio: Dublado / Legendado
  • Lançamento: 2015

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