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Filme A Chefa (2016)

Filme A Chefa (2016)
Assistir A Chefa – Michelle Darnell (Melissa McCarthy) é uma poderosa industrial que é enviada para a cadeia após ser pega por traição, negociando informações confidenciais do mercado em troca de lucro. Quando ela volta pronta para se reerguer como a queridinha dos Estados Unidos, nem todo mundo que foi enganado e prejudicado está pronto para perdoar e esquecer seus atos.
Assistir – A Chefa (2016) – Grátis
Assistir - A Chefa (2016) - Dublado ou Legendado Grátis

Synopsis – Movie The Boss

Watch The Boss – A titan of industry is sent to prison after she’s caught insider trading. When she emerges ready to rebrand herself as America’s latest sweetheart, not everyone she screwed over is so quick to forgive and forget.
Autistic Reviewers Opinion Of This Movie.
Ben Falcone keeps proving to me that he is a horrible writer and a horrible director. There is nothing about this film that works. Read on to find out why: We have a female boss by the name of Michelle Darnell was placed under arrest for Insider Trading. She has just been released and wants to become something huge, something big and ready to become “America’s sweetheart.” All the people she messed over aren’t quite willing to forgive her. Very simple plot.
Ver Filme Completo - A Chefa (2016) - OnlineMelissa Mccarthy is just plain horrible. We all know that her character is unlikable, but this was beyond a joke. In the movie world if you decide to create a very obnoxious, nasty, mean, and repulsive character…it can work…but the actor/actress playing this character needs to be able to bring something great to the table and by acting greatly and making you appreciate this horrible/unlikable character.
Melissa Mccarthy does none of this, and therefor makes it completely outrageous and leaving you in total discomfort for a full 90 mins. … by  autisticreviewers

Filme A Chefa (2016) – Assistir Online

InformaçõesA Chefa (2016)
  • Titulo original: The Boss
  • Gênero: Blu-ray 720p, Comédia,Lançamentos, Legendados
  • Tempo: 99 min
  • Audio: Dublado / Legendado
  • Lançamento: 2016

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